About Yingxi “Michael”Shi



I am a professional photographer known for my extraordinary artistic ability, unique use of light and color, and cutting-edge work particularly within the genre of dance photography. I am also the co-founder of Sunrise Art Group, an art education company that has trained over 2,000 students all over China.

Here’s a quick sample of my experience below:




Award-winning photographer – my work has been widely recognized by many international awards including the most famous ones – PX3 (The Prix de la Photographie Paris), IPA (International Photography Awards), FAPA (Fine Art Photography Award), MIFA (Moscow International Foto Award)


Exhibited my work worldwide – solo shows in New York and Shanghai, group shows in US, China, Dubai, France, Greece, Czech Republic, Prague, etc.


I have many titles – “2015 Sony Young Photographer”, “2016 Photographers of the Year” (by Visual China Group), “Alien of Extraordinary Ability” in photography (issued by USCIS)


Teaches photo workshops and courses at several international schools in Shanghai and many corporations


Worked with clients of all kinds — from multinational corporations to celebrities, Olympic Gold medalists, Qatar prince, CEOs, magazines, smart phone brands, hotels and many more…


Interviewed by World Journal (New York), SMG Art & Culture channel, Digital Photography, China Photography Magazine, and many more…


The Colors of Dance Project, an on-going photo project I started in 2012, has received critical acclaim from within both the dance and photography worlds


My work has inspired commercial success in the wallpaper industry – AS. Creation Tapeten AG, a German wallpaper manufacturer became so inspired by the colors seen in my dance work that they developed a high-end wallpaper collection based on it called “Colors of Life”


史迎曦,索尼青年摄影师,视觉中国2016年度推荐摄影师,荣耀手机和 OPPO手机签约摄影师。美国政府授予的“杰出人才艺术家”。曾就职于全球第二大广告传播集团宏盟集团 (Omnicom) 纽约总部。之前在上海宝尊电商担任艺术总监。史迎曦毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,拥有经济学硕士学位和MBA学位。

他的作品构图简洁,色彩明快,故事性强。他与美国和中国各类著名舞者合作的“舞之色”(Colors of Dance) 项目获得了摄影界和舞蹈界的广泛关注和好评,在舞蹈摄影领域有一定的国际影响。史迎曦获得过许多最具权威的国际摄影奖项,包括巴黎的PX3,IPA-“国际摄影奖”,FAPA-“艺术摄影奖“,莫斯科国际摄影奖,国际艺术摄影家联盟颁发的铜牌等。他的作品受邀在许多国家展出,包括美国,中国,希腊,捷克共和国,奥地利,爱尔兰和迪拜等。他也是中国摄影家协会”伯奇杯中国创意摄影大赛”的评委。

史迎曦的舞蹈摄影对商业领域也产生了影响。2016年著名壁纸品牌”A.S.Creation”从史迎曦舞蹈作品的色彩中提取灵感,推出的新系列壁纸“Colors of Life” (”舞美人生“)在中国市场取得了巨大的成功。著名舞蹈家罗红玫根据史迎曦作品里的故事创造了舞蹈“苦甜酸辣”,在上海交响乐团音乐厅和上海当代博物馆演出,获得了一致好评。



To schedule a shoot, please contact:

Email: michael_shi0331@hotmail.com
Wechat 微信: michael_shi0331

Or use below form: